Notice of Primary Runoff Election 5/24/22
Notice of Primary Runoff Election
To the Registered voters of the County of Pecos, Fort Stockton, Texas:
Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from:
7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., May 24, 2022,
for voting in a Primary Election to elect Members of Congress, Members of the Legislature and state, district, and precinct officers.
Aviso de Segunda Vuelta de las Elecciones Primarias
A los votantes registrados del Condado de Pecos, Fort Stockton, Texas
Notifiquese por la presente, que las casillas electorales citadas abajo se abriran desde las:
7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p. m., el 24 de Marzo de 2022
para votar en la Segunda Vuelta de las Elecciones Primaria para Miembros de Congreso, Miembros de la Legislatura, y oficiales del estado, distrito, condado y del precinto.
Download and view the complete Notice of Primary Runoff Election and Sample Ballot below. You will need software to read PDF files, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader .
Notice of Primary Runoff Election 5/24/2022 (PDF) (118 kb)
5/24/2022 Primary Runoff Sample Ballot (PDF) (174 kb)