Commissioner’s Court Regular Session Agenda 1/27/25


1. Prayer.

2. Public Comments on Agenda Items.

3. Court to consider and/or act upon approving Minutes of Previous Meeting(s).

4. Court to consider and/or act upon appointing Additional Members to the Pecos County Historical Commission for 2025-2026.

5. Court to discuss Portion of Lot 4,of Block 1, (Haliburton Yard Complex)of the Fort Stockton, Pecos County Industrial Park and Foreign Trade Zone situated in Fort Stockton, Pecos County, Texas.

6. Court to consider and/or act upon accepting Donation to Pecos County from Invenergy Services, LLC.

7. Court to consider and/or act upon approving Tax Refund Application(s), as presented by Tax Assessor/Collector.

8. Court to consider and/or act upon Amending Contract with JSA Architects, allowing changes if any to be included in the Contract Sum for Court Design and Construction Contingency and Materials Testing for Rooney Park Basketball Court.

9. Court to consider and/or act upon request from Precinct 2, to replace Windows at Rooney Park Club Room, previously approved in Budget.

10. Court to consider and/or act upon request from Precinct 2 to demolish and remove 10,200 sq ft of PIP (Pour In Place) Surfacing around Comanche Springs Pool.

11. Court to consider and/or act upon approving purchase and Payment for Asphalt Zipper for All Precincts to be paid from Budgeted Funds.

12. Court to consider and/or act upon approving Pecos County to cover all Utilities including, Telephone and Internet for CASA of West Texas as part of County Contribution.

13. Court to consider and/or act upon approving Payment to reestablish Services with Champion Electricity and Big Bend Telephone (former TDS), for CASA of West Texas Building.

14. Court to consider and/or act upon approving Precinct 3 to replace Electric Gate Entrance at the Iraan Airport, to be paid from Budgeted Airport Funds.

15. Court to consider and/or act upon approving purchase for Pecos County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Management to upgrade Lighting System for the Sheriff’s Office Tower, previously approved in Budget.

16. Court to call for bids for 50,000 Tons (more or less) of Crushed Limestone (#1 & #2 Flex Base); price quoted should include: (1) freight, delivered charges to Fort Stockton, Iraan, Imperial & Coyanosa, (2) at yard (not delivered). Bids to be received and opened in the Pecos County Auditor’s Office by 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Bid will be awarded in Commissioners Court on Monday, February 24, 2025.

17. Court to call for bids for 10,000 tons (more or less) of Crushed Aggregate, State Grade #3, #4, #4 Modified, and #5; price quoted should include: (1) freight, delivered charges to Fort Stockton, Iraan, Imperial, Coyanosa, Hwy 2023, Harral Road & Puckett Road, (2) at yard (not delivered). Bids to be received and opened at the Pecos County Auditor’s Office by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Bid will be awarded in Commissioners Court on Monday, February 24, 2025.

18. Court to call for bids for 10,000 tons (more or less) of Aggregate, State Grade #3, #4, and #5; price quoted should include: (1) freight, delivered charges to Fort Stockton, Iraan, Imperial, Coyanosa, Hwy 2023, Harral Road & Puckett Road, (2) at yard (not delivered). Bid to be received and opened at the Pecos County Auditor’s Office by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Bid will be awarded in Commissioners Court on Monday, February 24, 2025.

19. Court to call for bids for 100,000 Gallons (more or less) of CSS-IH Emulsion (or equivalent); price quoted should include a minimum of 2 hours demurrage charge and freight charges for delivery to Fort Stockton, Iraan, Imperial & Coyanosa, to be received and opened in the Pecos County Auditor’s Office until 4:00 p.m., on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Bid will be awarded in Commissioners Court on Monday, February 24, 2025.

20. Court to call for bids for 100,000 Gallons (more or less) of CRS-2 Emulsion (or Equivalent); price quoted should include a minimum of 2 hours demurrage charge and freight charges for delivery to Fort Stockton, Iraan, Imperial and Coyanosa, to be received and opened at the Pecos County Auditor’s Office until 4:00 p.m., on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Bid will be awarded in Commissioners Court on Monday, February 24, 2025.

21. Court to call for bids for 100,000 Gallons (more or less) of AC-20-5TR Emulsion (or equivalent); price quoted should include a minimum of 2 hours demurrage charge and freight charges for delivery to Fort Stockton, Iraan, Imperial, Coyanosa, Hwy 2023, Harral Road & Puckett Road, to be received and opened at the Pecos County Auditor’s Office until 4:00 p.m., on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Bid will be awarded in Commissioners Court on Monday, February 24, 2025.

22. Court to consider and/or act upon Predator Control Report from USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services.


A. Court to approve or disapprove Financial Report.
B. Court to consider and/or approve payment of County Overtime.


A. Court to approve or disapprove request for Line Item Transfers and Budget Amendments.
B. Court to approve or disapprove Reports of County Office(s).
C. Court to approve or disapprove Financial Report.
D. Court to examine and approve or disapprove all Accounts.

25. Court to consider and/or act upon entering in Executive Session §551.074. Personnel Matters; CLOSED MEETING. (A),(1). (Discuss Work Schedule for Pecos County Veterans Service Officer).

26. Court to take Action, if any, to related Executive Session §551.074, regarding Work Schedule for Pecos County Veterans Service Officer.

27. Court to consider and/or act upon entering in Executive Session §551.074 PERSONNEL MATTERS; CLOSED MEETING, (1A), Interview Candidates for the Pecos County Economic Development Position.

28. Court to consider and/or act upon above Executive Session §551.074, regarding Hiring of the Pecos County Economic Development Position.

29. Open discussion with public and News Media on today’s Agenda Items.

30. Adjourn.

Joe Shuster, County Judge